Who We Are

The Porsche Club of America offers driving experience, technical assistance and camaraderie second to none. The national award-winning magazine, Porsche Panorama, provides a monthly insider's view on all things Porsche. Hudson Champlain PCA runs several events including Tech Sessions, Driver Education, Autocross, Drives, Wine and Cheese Party, Concours, and monthly meetings.

The Hudson Champlain Region is part of the PCA Zone 1 and includes the New York counties of Albany, Clinton, Columbia, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Greene, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, Warren, Washington and Berkshire county in Massachusetts. If you live in these areas and own a Porsche we cordially invite you to join the club and enjoy our many events.

To become a member today please visit https://www.pca.org/join/ or contact Hudson Champlain's membership chairman Karen Blass at membership@hcp-pca.com